Monday, February 17, 2020

Identity theft how it has affected societies way of life and reality Research Paper

Identity theft how it has affected societies way of life and reality - Research Paper Example Every part of an individual’s life is surrounded with electronic items such as computers, cell phones and credit cards. Transfer of information is taking place every second in our lives, whether we are at home, work or educational centres; information is flowing from one at to another at every next moment. Due to immense use of technology, individuals end up leaving a huge track of footprints that are digital in nature. These tracks can be used by any other individual to obtain personal as well as public information of any particular individual. If these footprints fall in the hands of people who may use them wrongly, we may end up suffering heavy losses both emotionally and financially. Identity theft is referred to the criminal act of impersonating as another individual and obtaining benefits in the name of that individual. Identity theft may even be used to obtain an individual’s information and then committing crimes in the name of that individual. The US General Ac counting Office has defined identity theft as an act of obtaining an individual’s information and using that information to gain financial benefits (Hayward, 2004, p.93). Information and Privacy Commissioner defines this crime as an act of impersonating as another individual and then obtaining credit in his name (Barnard-Wills, 2012, p.188). A survey conducted by the Federal Trade Commission conducted in 2003 stated that during 2002 the number of victims of identity theft have tripled as compared to the statistics of 2001 ((Hayward, 2004, p.61). The Chubb Insurance conducted a survey during 2005 and figured out that one American our 5 American is a victim of this crime. Identity theft can be conducted in various ways (Loberg, 2004, p.34). The methods of conducting this crime are being updated and altered quite frequently. Activities of injecting an individual’s computer system with viruses and malicious instruments are conducted

Monday, February 3, 2020

Curriculum Development Assignment ( French Secondary PGCE) Essay

Curriculum Development Assignment ( French Secondary PGCE) - Essay Example In this context, one would define an authentic learning experience as one which would prepare students for real-life situations (using props, or realia, if necessary and available) in order to facilitate the learning process. Students, then, are not seen from the philosophical lens of being merely â€Å"vessels to be filled with knowledge,† as Paulo Freire might have argued. Nor are students coming to classroom with their minds a tabula rossa, a blank slate on which one must fill their heads with ideas—as John Locke might very well have argued. Instead, students have knowledge already, prior knowledge that can be tapped into and used in dramatic situations in order to facilitate new learning, weaving what they know in with what they don’t know. Additionally, students have ideas already in their minds about the language they are learning and how exactly they might like to go about learning in their own manner—but, perhaps outside of a drama-inspired French class, they might not receive as many opportunities to be creative in secondary school subjects as they might with a class designed like this one. Indeed, it is the students who make the classroom setting and the learning fun by adding their own knowledge or surprise â€Å"twist† to the subject matter’s material, if you will. ... In every truly good drama, there are always elements of serious academic study and research that go behind every academic project worthy of some undertaking. Drama is a way for students to use different kinds of intelligences as defined by Howard Gardner’s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, which are common knowledge to educators everywhere—the different intelligences being bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, verbal-linguistic, logical, spatial, and naturalist intelligences all combined. For example, students may use their interpersonal skills interacting with each other as actors and actresses. Intrapersonal—or extremely introverted students—may learn to be more outgoing and even have their own soliloquies. Musical students may choose to sing in their dramatic presentation, in French, as part of their particular project. Verbal-linguistic students might be interested in reciting long monologues or dialogues that they themselves have written in French, and then perform them in a lively and witty verbal discourse. Students who are visual may use their spatial intelligence in order to draw or design temporary, movable scenery or provide visual imagery for the presentation—which could include technology such as a PowerPoint or a presentation on a SmartBoard (if such technologies are available). Students with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence may be good with activities requiring movement and the proper placement of one’s presence on-stage. Students with naturalistic intelligence may incorporate nature and ethical treatment for animals into their dramatic presentations. As an additional bonus, some students may have high moral intelligence, which may lead them to produce a morality play, for